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Emma Swartling
Oct 8, 20233 min read
Pregnancy and NauseaÂ
So many pregnant mamas complain of morning sickness during pregnancy, but it can more accurately be called "all day" sickness. Typically...

Emma Swartling
Nov 20, 20215 min read
Wish List Worthy Gifts for Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum
When you are pregnant or a new parent, people often show their love and support with gifts for that sweet babe. You likely have your...

Emma Swartling
Mar 25, 20212 min read
Struggling with Constipation
Learn 5 quick tips to help infants and young children overcome constipation. We all know the feeling. Nobody likes to be constipated and...

Emma Swartling
Nov 22, 20206 min read
Selecting your After Birth Team
The post-birth phase is often overlooked when preparing for baby’s arrival. It is easy to put aside your physical and emotional needs...

Emma Swartling
Nov 22, 20203 min read
Help! My Baby is Breech!
Learn how chiropractic care may play a role with optimal baby positioning. What is breech presentation? Breech presentation is when the...

Emma Swartling
Oct 31, 20205 min read
Mother + Baby + Chiropractic
How chiropractic care and body work can help you to settle into motherhood. After much anticipation, they are here! Your new, precious...

Emma Swartling
Oct 1, 20203 min read
The Webster Technique
Chiropractic follows the evidence based principles of the normal physiology of the body. Chiropractors work with the body’s natural...

Emma Swartling
Aug 28, 20205 min read
Tips and tricks for keeping your skin happy in our current climate. Why is your skin more susceptible to acne right now? STRESS This is a...

Emma Swartling
Apr 5, 20202 min read
Blueberry Banana Oat Bake
Raise your hand if you love a filling, delicious, and EASY breakfast that the whole family will love? I recently was introduced to baking...

Emma Swartling
Mar 10, 20202 min read
Our Forgotten Sense
Think back to your time in Kindergarten. Do you remember learning about the five senses of our body? Taste, sight, touch, smell, and...

Emma Swartling
Feb 24, 20203 min read
Beat the Bugs Tip #5 — Boost Your Immune System!
So far we’ve discussed how altering your diet, getting better sleep, decreasing stress, and supplements all help to support your immune...

Emma Swartling
Feb 24, 20203 min read
Beat the Bugs Tip #4 — Supplement Your Immune System.
Each year we spend nearly $3 billion dollars annually on over the counter drugs in an effort to combat the symptoms of the cold and flu....

Emma Swartling
Feb 24, 20204 min read
Beat the Bugs Tip #3 — Dial down stress.
A lot of people today are under A LOT of stress. The demands of today’s world places a lot of pressure on people, so it’s more important...

Emma Swartling
Feb 24, 20203 min read
Beat the Bugs Tip #2 — Get to bed!
Sleep is is such an important part of life and it often gets pushed aside with the modern world’s busy schedule. When we are asleep our...

Emma Swartling
Feb 24, 20202 min read
Beat the Bugs Tip #1 — Cut the Crap.
The first tip is about being conscious of your dietary choices and how they can influence your immune system. That means cutting back on...

Emma Swartling
Feb 24, 20201 min read
Beat the Bugs! — 5 Tips to Staying Healthy
Does it seem like everyone around you is sick? Are you surrounded with coughing, sneezing, and running noses? Tickling throats and body...
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